
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Proyecto final: Presentación del portafolio

Bueno, todo lo bueno acaba y este curso no iba a ser menos.
Comenzamos el curso el 15 de octubre con muchas ganas de aprender más cosas sobre el bilingüismo y la metodología AICLE y en mi caso también le termino con ganas de seguir investigando nuevos recursos y herramientas.
Os dejo mi presentación del portafolio en Prezi.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014


Title of the Unit: EARTH’s DYNAMICS.
Level: 2ºESO.
Subject:: Natural Science.

With the learning outcomes of this unit, the students will:
  1. Understand why lithospheric plates change, know how plate boundaries interact and express the theory of plate tectonics in simple terms.
  2. Understand why earthquakes occur and know how they are measured.
  3. Identify the parts of a volcano, recognize the main materials that volcanoes release, and understand the relationship between the origin of volcanoes and the dynamics of plate tectonics.
  4. Know volcanic and seismic risks and explain how they can be prevented.
  5. Recognize the main igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Now, I will show to you a detailed description of the application sessions in the classroom, the activities undertaken and resources to work.

There are 8 sessions in this unit (with the final test included) and I will use a power point as support for all activities and resources.

In the first session, I want to make an introduction in order to connect the knowledge of the students about THE EARTH'S STRUCTURE with the new concepts that we are going to work in this unit.

First of all, I show them a word cloud (made with TAGXEDO) and a conceptual map (made with POOPLET).

And then I'll show them some flashcards about plate tectonics and I'll give them a vocabulary organizer in order to have all the specific words organized in grammar categories.

To finish this session, we are going to do an activity about the Earth's structure using a video from youtube and the worksheet 1, so students will improve their listening, reading and writing skills.

In the second session, we are going to start with a brainstorming activity (worksheet 2), so students will have to think if continents have changed their positions from the beginning or not. Obviously, they are going to answer yes.

Then they will want to know how continents (plate tectonics) would have been able to move. As a result, we are going to study the mechanism about this movement (CONVECTION CURRENTS) and the evidence of that movement.

To understand the mechanism that allow plate tectonics to move we are going to use this animation. Convection in Earth’s Mantle

Then, I'll explain them who Alfred Wegener was and his hypothesis about continental drift and other important researches like (Edward Suess) with worksheet 3.

In session 3 we are going to study PLATE TECTONICS AND PLATE BOUNDARIES.

To start session 3, I am going to use an infographic about plate tectonics, then I'll use some flashcards to fix the different plate's location and I'll explain some characteristics of each plate.

Finally students will make worksheet 4. In this task they will have to remember and analyze the previous information to organize it in charts, and to compare among different processes.

Then, we are going to use this animation Changing Earth's Crust to understand how plate boundaries are created and I'll use the power point to show them different photos of different landscapes created by the three types of boundaries.

To finish this part, they will have to do worksheet 5 that includes:

Session 4 and 5 will be designed to EARTHQUAKES and VOLCANOES.

To start studying earthquakes and faults I will use an introductory video

Then we are going to study different concepts related with earthquakes using several resources like animations, 

  1. Seismic waves
  2. Stress and faults 
  3. Earthquake risks. Video of a tsunami 

There are worksheets (6 to 8) for each issue and students will be able to improve all the skills (listening, writing, reading and speaking).
They can also evaluate themselves with some test activities.

After earthquakes, we will study VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS.

We are going to start defining what a volcano is, what the volcano's structure is and where they are located. So students will discover the connection between volcano's location and plate boundaries.

Then, we are going to use this animation to explain all about volcanoes and then students have to do worksheet 9.

Using the power point, I'll give the students some information about volcanism in Spain and prevention and prediction of this geological risk.


I am going to start this issue with an animation about how rocks are formed and then I will use flashcards to recognize the main igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Then, they have to do worksheet 10 watching two videos from youtube related to the two types of rocks so they have to understand, analyze and organize this information in charts.

Finally, they have to evaluate their acquired knowledge about igneous and metamorphic rocks identifying the name and type or rock of real samples in the laboratory.

In the two last sessions, students will be able to evaluate themselves with two types of tasks.
The first one is a RESEARCH WORK using ICT about an episode related to one geological risk (earthquakes or volcanic eruptions). 
Students must work in groups of three people, so each group must do a presentation (google slides/power point) about this episode including different items learned in the unit.

The second one is a FINAL TEST about all the information studied in this unit. 

After completing this unit students will have improved their key competences and they will be able to:

  1. Remember the internal Earth's structure.
  2. Understand the phenomena caused by the internal energy of the Earth.
  3. Understand the relationship between pressure and temperature and the resulting seismic activity.
  4. Describe the parts of a volcano and the materials which are ejected during an eruption.
  5. Describe the processes associated with earthquakes.
  6. Value the importance of disaster prediction and prevention.
  7. Recognize igneous and metamorphic rocks.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Proyecto final paso a paso

Estamos llegando ya al final del curso y es hora de analizar y presentar el proceso de creacion de la unidad didáctica (objetivo final de este curso).

1. Planificación de la unidad AICLE

En cuanto a la planificación de la unidad AICLE utilicé la plantilla propuesta en el curso (en inglés). En general es muy intuitiva pero en los apartados: Contextual element y cognitive processes tuve algún problema porque exactamente no sabía a que se referían. Por eso tengo que decir que me resultó de ayuda el Foro del bloque del curso ya que allí me solucionaron las dudas.

La Unidad AICLE que yo he elaborado es "Earth's dynamics" para 2ºESO. Los motivos de la elección de dicha unidad son varios. En primer lugar porque estoy impartiendo clase en un grupo bilingüe de 2ºESO y así podré utilizar los materiales creados la próxima evaluación. En segundo lugar he elegido esta temática porque me gusta mucho la geología y creo que para los alumnos es una gran desconocida.

Planificación de la Unidad "Earth's dynamics"

2. Objetivos del uso de los recursos a utilizar

En la unidad que he desarrollado he intentado buscar un equilibrio para desarrollar todas las destrezas (writing, reading, listening and speaking).
Se han utilizado varias actividades diferentes para introducir el tema, como puede ser: vídeos, power points, animaciones,flashcards, etc. Creo que estos recursos tienen la capacidad de motivar bastante a los alumnos cuando comienzas un tema.
Para practicar y reforzar el vocabulario: flashcards y un organizador de vocabulario con diferentes categorías gramaticales.
Para comprender y analizar la información de la unidad he utilizado tablas, dibujos y preguntas de respuesta corta.
Para profundizar y reforzar los contenidos se ha propuesto una webquest (trabajo de investigación) en la que además de trabajar por grupos y por lo tanto desarrollar habilidades sociales, también se fomenta el uso de las TIC y la expresión oral ya que tienen que presentar el trabajo a sus compañeros.

Para ampliar y repasar los contenidos (review) también se han propuesto actividades de caracter digital (animaciones).

3. Materiales diseñados para la unidad

Los materiales que se han diseñado para la unidad son muy variados:

Un power point que sirve de soporte a todos los materiales con los enlaces a todos los recursos: flashcards, videos, worksheets.....
Las worksheets elaboradas en documentos de word (doc/docx) que luego están enlazadas en cada apartado de la presentación.
Entre los recursos elaborados por mí misma se incluyen:
- La nube de palabras (Tagxedo).
- El mapa conceptual (Pooplet).
- El power point.
- Dos test (Educaplay)
Me ha llevado bastante tiempo la búsqueda y la realización de materiales para esta unidad ya que se han planteado 8 sesiones (bastantes a mi juicio) y mi objetivo no sólo ha sido elaborar algo rápido para presentarlo en este curso y salvar la actividad propuesta, si no utilizar/aplicar esta unidad directamente en el aula con mis alumnos.